Module Guides

This is the place where my unoffical module guides will be located. Students on the module should find the content linked to via Learning Space. You can also find PDF versions of the content there, as well as lecture materials and assignment submission areas.


Just for students that got lost, or people who are not my students and are wondering what this website is actually for.

How does stuff end up here?

There is a build pipeline which runs on the git server (where all my materials are stored in lovely text-based formats like Markdown, Asciidoc and LaTeX). When data gets pushed to those repositries in their release branches, the content will end up here.

How are sites built?

A mixture of tools are used, asciidoctor-web-pdf is used to produce the PDFs for workshops, hugo is used for building the actual sites and lecture materials are produced using latexmk and LuaLaTeX. The pipelines themselves run on gitlab-ci.

Why bother?

When I was a student, I had access to excellent web-based resources provided by my own lecturers, like Prof Richard Bartle, Prof Simon Lucas, and Dr Norbert Volker to name but a few. I found having the content in a searchable, easy to deal with format made life a lot easier. I want my students to have the same experience. It also gives me an execuse to build, host and play with little javascript toys.

In terms of pipelines, our degree programmes are largely based around games studio/software development best practices. I'm using standardised build pipelines and commiting regularly to version control. I'm generating regular (automated) builds which I'm bringing to sessions. In other words, I'm doing what I expect of my students :).

Didn't this used to be somewhere else?

Yes, I was previouslly using the gitlab pages instance on FOSS Galaxy's gitlab server. This worked fantasitcly, but means there is downtime when I update the server. Its also more of a pain to deploy SSL on that instance. This is just an nginx box using a pipeline I developed for the Expo Website, meaning its a bit faster (not that the gitlab server was slow) and doesn't go down on updates. The URLs are also much cleaner.

Didn't this website used to be about javascript or something?

Learn a proper programming language /s. You're looking for I was looking for a short, sensible domain name and didn't realize the other one existed. Whoops. The existance of the other page is why this page exists rather than just redirecting you to learning space. I don't want angry emails from javascript developers.

This site is built, hosted and mainained by Dr. Joseph Walton-Rivers. The computing course lead (undergraduate) at Falmouth University.